Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

With Aren SIMO Fertilization Will Produce Maximum

With Aren SIMO Fertilization Will Produce Maximum

By: Dian Kusumanto

As already described in the posting in December last year, then at the beginning of 2009 the writer will continue discussion of fertilization systems on Aren SIMO method (injection system Microbes and Oxygen). Fertilization system will be oriented organic, inexpensive yet very effective and sustainable, the goal is to improve the welfare of farmers as possible.

SIMO is actually quite identical with that Biopori Kamir introduced by Mr. R. Brata from Bogor. But the technology described Biopori not many applications for aspects of plant cultivation, especially for Palm and other annual crops. Biopori seemed inspired by the flood problem that often occurs in large cities such as Jakarta and surrounding areas, the surface water catchment areas less rain.

While SIMO born because the author was inspired by the existing condition of land in Kalimantan, where the layer or layers of soil if the plant roots is relatively thin. Soil layer is relatively thin roots was caused by the soil formation process itself and the circumstances that continually menjejasnya. So what happens is growing in soil that is, the more acid soil reaction, or the lower pHnya. In fact, getting into the layers of the soil is toxic to plant roots, the plant roots system consequently less developed. As a result the development of relatively shallow roots and limited.

Limited spread of roots for the ground state of stress in the roots of plants that are not conducive to the root cause is not developed, the availability of nutrient-ready is also very limited. Thus to reach the roots can absorb nutrients that already exist on the ground was not large, and thus elements that can be absorbed by the soil was also relatively small.

To improve soil condition and soil layers underneath so it could be like if the surface-coating, it is necessary to do injections or drilling. Incorporated into the soil microbes and oxygen through deeper soil layers as deep as the root of the distribution. Microbes and oxygen will make the land condition has come to life with a healthy reaction, so the soil will naturally continuous release (yield) of nutrient elements from the decomposition of a relatively complete because of the microbes and sufficient oxygen.

How do I make a great fertilizer SIMO? Basically SIMO fertilizer tantamount to making any other liquid organic fertilizer. But the technology developed for SIMO are simpler, more flexible because it can be adapted to local conditions. Tools and Materials-flexible material and can be made by farmers with a simple way. I hope the writer will be writing meyajikan in the future, Insha Allah.

What effect is expected from the Sugar Technology SIMO?

• Regional Aren deepest roots will be rich enough to contain the microbes and terlarutnya Oxygen.

• the layer of soil reaction in a neutral place land reform Organic Materials more perfect.

• CEC (cation exchange capacity) would be better. Will be sufficient nutrients available in the region deeper roots.

• Aren more developed roots, nutrient absorption is smoother and more, so that the plant's nutritional needs fulfilled.

• Sugar Plants will grow normally and be healthier, larger stems, leaves more dense and fresh. Plant growth and development occurs normally and will bring its full potential more fully.

• Each leaf axillary bunches of flowers will be issued on time and the minimum candidate who fails to stem shoots up, because all could come just in time. Therefore, the potential number of bunches of flowers will be higher, because the roots grow in a normal and healthy and the availability of sufficient nutrients in the soil. Initiation of each potential cluster with sufficient energy to the plant will minimize the possibility of failure initiation candidates bunches. Even the candidate cluster will be up all in accordance with its potential.

• Growth and development of physical cluster supported by a strong stem and large and lush leaves and fresh green. So stem bunches will have a large diameter and length is perfect. Large cluster and the long is the guarantee of production is very important for plants Aren. For Aren sap tapping can be done much longer (can be up to 6 months).

• Frequency of tapping each bunch of flowers will take longer, tapping bunches will follow one after another on every tree and even the trees there is no production break. So almost the entire tree can be tapped throughout the year every day. Thus each tree sap can produce every day, and almost no break in production.

• Thus the sap of Sugar more and more. Nira maximum production can match its potential, especially if the management and maintenance of Palm trees can be done properly and the great potential support. I mean, the workers must be equipped with bunches tappers and science skills and enough discipline to adhere to standard operating procedures that apply. HR employees must be coached well, because the routine work and requires heavy physical and mental toughness vibrant and militant spirit.

• With these conditions productivity Nira Palm trees can be very maximum. A minimum rest period and the productivity of sap per tree will be high. Aren garden population of 200 trees per hectare is only 10% if the rest of production, so every day will be extracted 180 trees per hectare. If productivity per tree can reach 25 liters per day will result in each hectare palm will reach the 4500 liters of palm wine.

• From the resulting juice every day for 4500 liters of Bioethanol can be processed into about 300 liters (4500 liters: 15 liters / liter). If processed into sugar sugar will be as much as 600 kg / day / hectare (4500 liters: 7.5 lter / kg). Nhah ... how many money? If Bioethanol 99.50% for Rp 10,000 per liter, each day will result in the production value of Rp 3 million (USD 300 liters x 10.000/liter). Whereas if the price of sugar made sugar Rp 5000 for example, it will generate income Rp 3 million per day (600 kg x Rp 5.000/kg).

• If the gross income from each hectare could reach USD 3 million per day or per month will reach USD 90 million per hectare, or per year will reach Rp 1,080,000,000, -/hektar (one billion eight hundred million rupiah per hectare a year) . This potential is like gold Aren, such as signal Kanjeng Sunan Bonang. We are the grandchildren know it's only after hundreds of years later.

If Sunan Bonang Kanjeng signal can be translated to today's technology, the nation's history mngkn not like this. However, if the current era we also do not use the golden opportunity this Aren tree, then we would miss a neighboring country of Malaysia which is now very serious to develop Aren. They secretly develop Aren massive've even started in the era of 90 years ago.

They also divert our attention to other commodities such as distance and Palm. Malaysia deliberately Indonesia on other commodities besides Aren, because Malaysia has a very big ambitions as a player Aren Business and leading the largest in the world. For a very heavy competition for them is Indonesia, only Indonesians who have a tremendous potential for this Aren business.

Will Indonesia be imitators in the business again this Aren?

(COW-cassava-cassava AREN VS FLOUR-MEDICINE-ORGANIC FERTILIZER-bioethanol-Sugar-syrup)

By: Dian Kusumanto

This design stems from concern over farmers who joined in the Green Sustainable Farmers Group in the village Mamolo Nunukan. From the statements of the farmer members totaling 20 people, the level of average income is still very low even below the minimum wage. They seek land around 25 hectares of paddy fields and dry land area of 50 hectares. Their incomes average less than Rp 700,000 per month.

Several times the meeting shows that they are not the kind of lazy farmers, they are very diligent, almost no day without holding a hoe or a machete and garden or fields. Rice planted with rice only once a year sometimes twice, mostly dry land yet tergarap. A small portion is cultivated by planting cassava, corn, Lombok, tomatoes, peanuts, banana trees, durian trees, etc..

With state of the facilities what they are not sufficient energy to mengelolaha area. Capital is not enough to manage all land. Sometimes in times of need fertilizer or pest drugs not yet available capital and eventually the plants often experience crop failure. At the time to manage the fields, sometimes unfinished work on dry land had to be abandoned. They have not been able to manage farm business planning with mature, sometimes disrupt the climate plan. Tools limited agricultural machinery is not fully able to help overcome obstacles this season.

Discussion was often done to find ways to "change the fate" of all farmers from a mediocre to a passionate farmer income and prosperous life. Some thoughts were exchanged, the latter is the draft Corporate Farming Mix (abbreviated selajutnya CMF). So began the alternative commodities developed the easiest, best suited to local climate and soil and the farmers are familiar to manage, namely cassava or cassava.

CMF with this pattern of farming systems management combines synergistically some commodities, utilizing all the side products (used to be called waste) into other supporting materials that add value to other sub-systems in each content to fill. Farming system into a closed network even without input from outside the system, because inter-sub system kesinergisannya can cover each other's shortcomings.

This concept of food synergy continued pattern of feed and energy discussed earlier, namely between the Palm as a long term crop with cassava or cassava as a crop during pengisinya, supported by a cow as a key point of liaison between the subsystems of the external input dependence. To start the feed subsystem to be taken from the fields of rice straw waste.

Characteristic lies in increasing corporate value of products produced, including the processing plant into flour Cassava flour Cassava or Mocal, Bioethanol processing plants, Sugar Processing Plant, Organic Waste Processing Unit becomes Organic fertilizer and pesticides, animal feed management unit, Unit Manager other products, etc.. Therefore, in managing this CMF Farmers Group is working with a cooperative and some assistance from government agencies and NGOs.

The design of this CMF for 25 hectares of paddy land and 50 ha of dry land, outlined as follows:

1. Wet land area of 25 hectares planted with rice 2 times a year and once or annuals planted with crops of peanuts or corn. Of land was rice paddy fields managed by each farmer, as usual, but the waste in the form of straw used by the CMF for the preparation of cattle feed. Rice straw to be produced is approximately 1.5 times the production of rice, if the production could reach 5 tons per hectare, then jerapi produced from 25 ha of rice land during the planting season 2 time is 1.5 x 5 tons / ha x 2 seasons / year x 25 ha / season = 375 tons of hay per year.

The use of fertilizers and pest drugs gradually reduced and the total does not use the unit making organic fertilizers and pesticides has been running really using only their own organic fertilizer with sufficient quantities of rice and pulses can be increased even higher.

2. 375 tons of hay per year can be used as a backup to feed cows approximately 1 ton per day, or could provide the feed for approximately 40 head cow Bali (with an average feed 25 kg / head / day). Hay was stored in a place called the Warehouse Warehouse hay or cattle feed, because later after cassava harvest will begin a new source of food waste from cassava leaves and cassava tuber skin.
It should hay is pressed so as not to need a place that is too broad and large, as well as waste feed to come from cassava, should also be pressed.

3. Of rice straw was used as the starter early sources for cattle feed as many as 40 fish Bali. Cows are maintained with the stable system, so dung and urine can be collected for use in the manufacture of organic fertilizer and pesticide plant. Did not rule out the number of cattle will be added later after the feed was widely available. If not, feed the excess can be sold to another breeder or even offering cooperation with the holds and provide for farmer-owned cattle ranchers who run wild. With the maintenance of the stable system then the added value of the litter can produce fertilizers and pest drug also can be a high economic value.

4. For the initial phase is needed to shed 40 head Cattle Bali and Organic Waste Processing Unit. Bali Cattle shed units and organic waste processing unit should be adjacent to each other or holding hands. In the organic waste processing unit is also a processing unit and Organic Fertilizer Organic Pesticides and Biogas Unit. Organic fertilizers are two kinds, namely solid manure (manure) and liquid fertilizer (Biokultur) prepared from the solid waste from the cow shed. While processed Organic Pesticide from cow urine or cow urine is processed with special techniques mixed with the materials of the types of plants and certain materials.

Bali Cattle from as many as 40 tails is expected to produce as much solid waste is about 600 kg a day (15 kg / head / day x 40 fish) and cow urine of about 120 liters (of 3 liters / head / day x 40 tails).

5. Organic Fertilizer Processing Unit will be able to produce compost of about 300 kg a day, or will result in Biokultur of 1,000 s / d 6000 liters per day Biokultur accordance with the wishes and needs of future markets. Biokultur made from 50 liters of 5 kg of fresh solid waste with 1 liter of enzyme and water to 50 liters, plus various fertilizer materials from plant parts that contain elements of N, P or K, as well as supplementary materials other. Biokultur be sold at a price of between Rp 1,000 to Rp 2,000 per liter.

While Biourine (cow urine) processed to be drug along with an organic pesticide ingredient from the plant parts that contain anti-pest and plant diseases. From cow urine as much as 120 liters per day will be obtained approximately 100 liters Biourine every day. With the price Biourine Rp 5,000 to Rp 10,000 / liter, then there are additional opportunities Biourine income of between Rp Rp 500,000 to Rp 1 million per day.

Because the production of organic fertilizers and drugs will be overwhelming, it's likely there will be a new business unit of fertilizer sales and service outlets fertilizing other farmers outside this CMF. State development of this unit will be larger and larger at the time after the feed from cassava waste and abundant bio-ethanol, it is possible because the number of cattle that can be prepared pakannya also greater.

6. Dry land is cultivated from this CMF is 50 ha. Long-term commodity is planted AREN, intercropping plants are medium-term invested in these lands is Cassava. Cassava is planted in stages so that later stages can be harvested every day. Will be processed into cassava Cassava Flour and Flour and became Bioethanol Mocal.

Sugar Crop yield is projected to begin after the age of 6 years, while cassava is harvested between the ages of 8 to 12 months or approximately 10 months. Fertilization and treatment of pests and diseases using only organic fertilizers and organic pesticides which are manufactured for both Palm and cassava plants.

7. Cassava or cassava planted area of 50 ha for the production of Cassava Flour or flour and Mocal Bioethanol production. Therefore Cassava planted in stages so that for about 10 months of cassava can be planted covering around 50 hectares. Or it can also be calculated by 5-month per hectare, or in every month cassava planted area of 5 ha. Calculated with the assumption that the productivity of cassava is about 50 tons / ha / season, so in one season will be produced around 50 ha / season x 50 tons / ha = 2,500 tons per season. Cassava planting with the duration of approximately 10 months or 300 days it will produce approximately 8.3 tons of fresh cassava per day.

Planting of cassava using a population between 10,000 and 15,000 trees per ha with a production target of about 50 tons per hectare per season. Planted cassava is the kind that has a high production potential and a high-yield patinya. Fertilization and the use of pest and disease drugs using only organic fertilizer produced himself.

8. The amount of waste produced from the cassava tuber production of about 8 tons per day, the waste of tuber skin was approximately 15% -30% of the tuber, and waste in the form of leaves and stems young shoots around 50% - 100% of the tuber. Then the skin around the amount of waste from 1200 to 2400 kg and waste leaves and shoots of young cassava stems about 4 to 8 tons per day. So the waste that can be used as the feed is about 5.2 to 10.4 tons per day, if taken only a small number, say 6 tons or 6000 kg per day. If a cow consumes an average 25 kg of feed, so there are about 240 head of cattle could be provided with system pakannya cage.

This means that the feed could be sold to other breeders, or can be developed units of new business in other places to accommodate cattle of the farmers who are usually only released in the wild. Could have initiated efforts for livestock between CMF with other breeders or owners of cattle outside the CMF itself with food security and the experience of the CMF.
With kandangisasi and feed system provided, then the added value of waste materials of organic fertilizers and pesticides will be better. This condition can guarantee the availability of fertilizers to reduce and even eliminate the dependence of farmers for fertilizer and chemical pesticides drugs.

Management of organic waste from this cage can also cooperated because it CMF has enough experience already started to 'sell' to other farmers. All the farmers involved in this CMF are experts in their respective fields, and ready to transmit his knowledge and act as consultants to other farmers' groups.

9. Processing unit and Flour Cassava Flour Mocal (Modified Cassava Flour) prepared with a production capacity of about 2.5 - 3 tons per day. 1 kg of cassava flour produced from cassava about 3 kg or 3 kg to 1 kg of cassava. So from 8.3 tonnes of sweet potatoes will produce about 2.76 tons of cassava flour, or rounded it to 2.5 tons of cassava flour per day. Cassava flour means if judged by the price of Rp 2.000/kg course, it can be dperoleh foreign exchange amounting to Rp 5 million per day, or USD 150 million per month, or Rp 1.8 Milyard each year.

10. If CMF also provides processing unit Bioethanol from Sweet, it can be shared with the yam to cassava or even processed from flour cassavanya itself. As it is known that 1 liter of bioethanol can be produced from about 6.5 kg of sweet potato. If all the results processed cassava into Bioethanol will be produced about 1277 liters of Bioethanol or rounded to 1200 liters of bioethanol per day.

Bioethanol will be enlarged unit at Palm will have started to produce sap, which is about 6 years later. Capacity is expected to reach between 50,000 to 100,000 liters of juice per day, or the results of Bioethanol approximately 3500 to 7000 Bioethanol liters per day, or 105 to 210 kL / month or 1260 to 2520 kL / year if all the sap is used for Bioethanol. Value of business (if Bioethanol worth USD 5.000/liter) can reach about USD 6.3 to 12.6 Milyard per year. Unbelievable! Very fantastic.

11. Sugar Factory units will be one mainstay in this CMF system, because of this unit will produce a variety of products derived from this Palm Sugar. With Aren palm of 50,000 to 100,000 liters per day, it will be able to produce various products Palm Sugar reached about 6500 to 13,000 kg of sugar per day, or 195 -390 ton / month, or 2340 to 4680 Tons per year. Value of business (if sugar costs Rp 5.000/kg or per liter) can reach around USD 11.7 to 23.4 Milyard per year. This is obtained if all processed into sugar. Was more fantastic again. Thus the farmers involved will be OKB OKB, which may be very prosperous in Indonesia.

What do you think?

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