Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Adding Fluoride to Sugar for Humanity Dental health, what might?

Adding Fluoride to Sugar for Humanity Dental health, what might?
By: Dian Kusumanto

Long time no new posts update this seemed like diblog help feeling guilty, it does not taste good. Offline activity was very time-consuming, mind and strength. That they did not seem nearly 3 months. Many ideas are still flowing, which was written on paper graffiti. But to be writing later this diblog posted yet accomplished.

Busyness is offline actually still strongly associated with the development in Indonesia Aren. Like a baby to be born again, "Sugar Revolution" is like a baby-awaited birth. Birth process is not finished, still not final. Proverbial baby is coming, some bodies still in the womb of the mother, while his head was sticking first, even glancing here and there.

On the occasion that will come I hope to present some progress "Sugar Revolution" is.

Today I was surprised by Mr Mulyani Dalidjan email from Adelaide Australia about fortification F in Palm Sugar. Learn more about the email and my answer is as written below.

From: Mulyani dalidjan
Title: Sugar sugar
To: diankusumanto@yahoo.co.id
Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 8:34 PM

Mr. Dear Dian,

Let me introduce myself first. I Mulyani, living in Adelaide, Australia. I come from the field, I was the first faculty at USU Dentistry fak. I completed my PhD with the addition of fluoride in the study of white sugar (sucrosa) for the prevention of dental caries. Adding fluoride is I do at Fabrik Kuala sugar Honey, PTP IX in North Sumatra and the research carried out in Medan.

The results are very encouraging, but to apply it in Indonesia may still be very difficult given the state of our sugar Fabrik was very miserable. I'm sure we can add F to the palm sugar, and will be an added value to the enormous economic and dental health of Indonesia. I want to ask your opinion about this, and the possibility to work together.

I myself have a piece of land in the field (1.5 ha), there are a few palm trees and bamboo. I really just wanted to buah2an gardening and chocolate and bamboo wulung. Months of the coming August I will travel to Bali because there are World Bamboo Festival. If you are interested in my ideas, I try to come to Nunukan to see mesin2 the palm sugar maker. Maybe we can immediately set up an experiment to determine at what stage F can be mixed.

Thank you in advance Mr. Dian, I hope my idea is not just a dream.

Mulyani Dalidjan

Answer I:

Yth. Mr Mulyani Dalidjan in Adelaide Australia.

Horras Bah ..!! Thank you for your introduction, and thank you all the way had been willing to write this email. Congratulations on his PhD about the addition of F on Sugar for healthy teeth, may be useful for the Indonesian people and all mankind, especially for dental health.

The idea of adding F in Palm Sugar is a very striking me, we did not even imagine such an idea. This course will be able to raise the prestige and dignity of the Palm Sugar in the consumer society.

In the original natural state, or organic, Sugar Sugar Sugar was known as a more complete nutritious, containing a variety of drug efficacy, safe for diabetics, and others. Organic Palm Sugar or Organic Palm Sugar for a superior value compared to the highest other sugars from cane, Maple, corn, beets, etc..

So that the price in overseas markets can reach more than 36 U.S. $ per kg.
(Although in the domestic market price of a new high of about Rp 20,000 per kg).

The idea you can be will be one of its own market choices. But on the other side could affect the image and become "organic" anymore. So it could be fortified with F lowered the impression as if Sugar Sugar "not great", because it is not genuine anymore.

We also do not know exactly whether the addition of F this will cause the impression of organic, natural native becomes less. Maybe you also give us an explanation. But we still have a chance for every idea of this F fortification.

About the plans you've come to Bali in August next and possibly could to Nunukan, I am very happy to Pak. Please if you are in Indonesia can contact us at HP in Flexi 081254572450 or 0556-2700160. Dad's visit, information and some ideas you would then add splendor Aren Resurrection Indonesia.

Thank you.
Samarinda, February 5, 2010
Dian Kusumanto.

Mr Mulyani feedback Dalidjan:

Mr. Dear Dian,
Thank you once you email replies. Actually my parents native Yogyakarta, but we were born in Medan. If you Mulyani Javanese people were women, but it does not apa2 yes sir, his name aja email.

Of palm sugar, I just read a brief composition, but also does contain glucose and fructose in addition to other types of sugars, which in the mouth will be consumed by bacteria and produce acids that will damage the teeth. Granulated sugar (sucrosa) is only composed of glucose and fructosa, so be very dangerous. Objective addition of F on sugar is that we provide protection to the teeth when the attack occurred, because the M's would reduce bacterial activity in acid.

Actually more afdol if F is added to sugar, but for the addition of F at the level of sugar production in Fabrik thus achieve the appropriate content to the outcome, still need to experiment in which the F phase was added. And the sugar Fabrik no machine that produces small amounts of sugar, so it will be difficult to do. So when I saw the website the father of palm sugar making machine is small, the idea arose about the possibility of adding F to the palm sugar.

Of palm sugar that are considered organic, of course, will not all palm sugar plus F. We can offer two products, Organic Palm Sugar and Organic Palm Sugar Plus (F). So consumers can choose, besides the addition of F was not going to cause the production cost very tinggi.Saya taste although the added F, still, Organic sugar, because organic is the way of planting trees is not arennya using chemical fertilizers. In Australia I apply permaculture in the garden behind the house, so our organic vegetables.

I am very grateful for the inputs that you give this to my ideas. According to my calculations, if we are able to produce palm sugar Plus (F), the end of this year, we must conduct research on the teeth will Khasiatnya. (I used to do it at Orphanage in Medan for two years). New we can market it. So perhaps there is a new 2015 Plus palm sugar (F) of this market. After the Bali I would stop over in Jakarta for patenting my research first, so we are not missed.

I see in adelaide no palm sugar from Indonesia, let me check what was in the lab it is the womb F yes. Maybe later if the Nunukan too far, maybe I can try to add the M in petani2 made palm sugar around the field. So do not waste time. Excuse me sir, this paragraph and the paragraph above is my thoughts that had just come out. So maybe not answer the things that you want to know.

Insha Allah if in Bali, I'll call you, gentlemen want to order seeds of palm, too.
Thank you once again for the enthusiasm you my ideas



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