Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

Gold prospects of the sugar palm tree

Gold prospects of the sugar palm tree

The prospect of the gold sugar palm trees have been introduced by Kanjeng Sunan Bonang, a carrier waliyulloh Religion of Islam in Java. Perhaps he was robbed  by hooligan Lokajaya want the property from Kanjeng Sunan Bonang. In short, according to Almah, he pointed to the sugar palm tree and said that if you want to spend a lot of sugar palm trees that look. But the hooligan Lokajaya see gold in the sugar palm tree. Fruit like gold show very interested yeild.

Gold is a symbol of prosperity and welfare, even the symbol of luxury. In fact, a new beginning in 2000-and experts in this new nation of Indonesia is aware or secreet signal hidden gold of the sugar palm tree. Kanjeng Sunan not explain clearly, but maybe God  teaches through his knowledge of a guardian is Kanjeng Sunan Bonang to the hooligan Loka Jaya.  

Really gold originating from roomie palm sugar that results from exit sadapan flower stalks, both from the female flower stalk and stalk tassel. Trees that have vegetative maximum growth (around 6 years of age when growing wild or natural) will be issued to female flowers with a 6.8 or 12 bunches female flower. There was also a sugar palm tree, which never issued a bunch of female interest, but directly from the initial period generatifnya only bunches of flowers to end period.

Flower stalk only male flowers first appear from the top of the tree and then appear the next bunch from the midrib leaves the armpit is underneath. Bunches of flowers next appear alternately continuously from the top to the bottom until the former armpit midrib lowest leaves.  From a sugar palm farmers, namely Mr. Sarman in Mambunut Nunukan regency, East Kalimantan known that the bunches of flowers that usually the female fruit fro, can taped the sweet water form palm sugar tree.

Even the results roomie bunches of flowers from the female is the result of taping roomie 40 liters per tree each day. Every day is done twice taping, namely around 7:00 am and afternoon around 17:00 hours. Results of tapping am usually more than in the afternoon. Roomie out the most swift occurred at a time around 03.00 hours s / d 04.00 early hours of the day.  If suppose this  sugar palm tree are estated as the newcomers from Brazil, the Oil Palm, with the winning seeds, intensive maintenance, fertilizing enough, the management of the garden adequate.

Of course, the result will be better from now on, which is produced from natural tree that grows wild even with the distance that is not oganized. With the assumption that the natural production of only 10 liters for instance roomie / day / tree; if 100 trees disadap each day (from population of 250 trees per hectare), the roomie will be 1,000 liters / day / ha.  Sugar concentred from the roomie around 20-26,5%, meaning that 1,000 liters will be around 200-265 kg of sugar each day. If the price level at farmers Rp 5,000, so every day gross income of farmers by sugar palm area of 1 hectare will get around Rp 1.000.000/hari/ha to Rp 1.325.000/hari/ha. Of course  income was reduced by costs energy of tapping as the 3-5, 1-2 sugar processing power of people.

Means that each hectare garden to absorb labor is between 4-7 people, provide income to farmers so that the owners besar. This is the prosperity, isn't it?  The farmers with high income, there were no unemployment, the wheels of the economy in rural areas will be running again ... ... . yaaaa ... the prospect of gold from sugar palm trees that will be the prosperity and welfare for the people of the country, such as signaling the Waliulloh Kanjeng Sunan Bonang. 

If interested enough sugar palm larger scale can contact us at http://kebunAren.blogspot.com/ (Indonesian version) or contact me by e-mail: diankusumanto@yahoo.co.id 

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