Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

Why Palm Sugar does not develop as Palm Oil Trees?

Why Palm Sugar does not develop as Palm Oil Trees?

Questions that encourage this very casually terlontar of my friends from Jakarta who visited Nunukan in East Kalimantan. In his visit travel so much I describe and explain the advantages and prospects of plant sugar palm this to him, even on questions such as who terlontar. Then I tried to understand also that there is something that causes it can happen. 

Law of natural selection will occur, which can survive exist and will not be able to maintain himself or extinct is not growing. This means that if the commodity is promising, why then does not develop, and even research institutions are not meliriknya as study material. Moreover, institutions official government also has not put a commodity that is recommended to be developed. Indeed, whether that occurs in this sugar palm trees? 

It is ironic. This paper tried to analyze what is suspected as the cause of the sugar palm so little attention. Some things in the bottom of this can be a cause. 

1. Sugar Consumption Pattern Changes due to the growing industry Sugar Factory 

If the pre-industrial era forward is the first of sugar sugar made from sugar palm, Sugar Cane and Coconut. Sugar circulating in the market that it is in the form of the mold (often called cephalic sugar, sugar boxes, sugar roof), and in the form of powder or often called palm sugar. 
If you see the look of the traditional sugar from this impression that there is less interesting, the quality is not uniform, the color is not uniform, generally, are not attractive packaging, telihat dirty and less hiegenis. If consumed, or be used as a sweetener in beverages is still no dirt left. 

Alone with white sugar produced by the factory of the modern, clean white appearance, easy stored, how penyajiannya also practical, spoons and cast live in glass. If there is the effect of sugar is less practical, especially sugar mold, that will use the chip should be sliced first, or split it. Because the shapes can not regularize the size of the large number of sugar also can not be reached to the level of sweetness desired beverage. Diversity is the one quality that may cause consumers prefer white sugar or a sugar crystal. By that measure can still obtain the level of sweetness that fit more easily and quickly. 

Along with the international sugar trade bergairahnya based on sugar cane, the colonial government to build factories with a capacity of the sugar is high. This condition is forcing traditional consumption of sugar changed because of the ease of obtaining sugar compared with white sugar. Including the drastic changes that could only happen because of the psychological environment has changed. 

This change is starting from the sugar industry because the base is located in Java. Center for sugar trade is also located in Java, but to influence holistically almost all corners of the archipelago. Even when it is the international sugar trade is dominated by sugar crystal clear that the white. 

Changes in the pattern of traditional community life to the pattern of modern life is also a cause of sugar consumption patterns change. The characteristics of modern life pattern of sugar consumption are:  Practical,  STORE quickly, Standard or certainty,  Clean and Healthy,  interesting because of the shape and packaging,  Prestige and prestige,  Standard price or cheaper , Available everywhere,  Etc.. 

Changes in patterns of consumption of sugar this makes palm sugar or brown sugar on the wane in the market. Palm sugar is not more attention. Thus, sugar palm tree is not directed into supporting the sugar industry. Palm sugar may be taken only niranya for making beverages such as palm wine legen and. Even in some places in Java many ditebangi taken because the starch sagunya. Utilization of other fruit are taken to and fro, ijuknya to craft brooms, etc.. While parts of this plant palm sugar is not too promising economically, because the market is not growing. So when the known value, good start, sugar palm trees that do not meet the expectations can be managed for the industry. 

Dominannya with sugar cane as a source of raw materials and commodities sugar, or can be mentioned sugar cane-based sugar industry, then other commodities to be sinking. Palm sugar as a commodity source of sweetener does not become again. Sugar cane into the center of attention, which suck up the participation of various institutions and businesses to take the role. 

Large-scale program digelontorkan to the development of sugar cane and sugar cane-based sugar industry. Moreover, when the sugar cane is more "problematic", thus the various parties want to overcome the problem of sugar cane and factory gulanya. The spirit of giving more the budget for happen again. Cakes budget to fight again, many INGI get the cake, but the problem will remain a problem. Problems can visit the evidence, other than commodity mereformasinya with palm sugar that winning the produktifitasnya overcome some suber sugar raw materials that others (such as sugar cane, palm or Siwalan, coconut, nipah, beet, corn, bulb, etc.).. 

2. Age maintenance long enough to generate 

Perhaps this could be the first reason is not as the development of palm sugar. Compared with the Oil Palm at the age of 3 years has started to produce, so the faster you can enjoy the results. Research on plant Oil Palm is so global, so that is can almost be sure that the count-count the results. 

The development of downstream industries based raw materials from oil palm is also such a rapidly developing, makes several countries including Indonesia, also use it. Attention is very much on the commodity of Oil Palm is more attention to scuttle the government and research institutions to plant palm sugar. 

Actually many sources of germ plasma plant that can produce sugar palm sugar palm plant, which produces high Genjah well. Not only because tergali by research institutions that are genuine potential to become Indonesia is forgotten. 

From the many problems cultivation of the Paing sugar palm dominant cause people are reluctant to the seedling factors. Sugar palm seeds  rather difficult initiated, if yet can require a very long time, that make people not to be patient. Difficulties perkecambahan seeds are the main cause of this reluctance to the sugar palm, so that more people leaving the seedling nature. Unfortunately at the time revoke the seeds that grow naturally, then planted in the land, many of the plants eventually die. 

The seeds that came from the fruit harvested or collected under the tree usually also contain substances that can cause itching on the skin. If you do not understand about these people end difficulty is not patient, and then leave the plant palm sugar. 

Actually the above is not a problem if the science knowledge and calm with palm sugar is well understood. Something that is difficult that there are factors that are very profitable. 

3. Research on sugar palm has not been intensive 

As noted above was that the research on sugar palm is still very small, not even diagendakan regularly. Researchers may be difficulties in literature from overseas, that perhaps, if not also been so many. Because there is no sugar palm abroad, many of which are only in Indonesia and some tropical countries, most of which also do not consider the sugar palm. 

If the research we depend on the results of research from overseas, perhaps forever palm sugar will not be material research study of the "experts" we. I purposely give quotes on the word of experts, not because we skeptical with our experts. But actually we are very disappointed why they are not able to open the prospect that the farmers in some areas have been developed. 

In the case of palm sugar crops including palm, which is actually there Coconut Research and Palma in Manado, North Sulawesi. Its North Sulawesi, including the most potential in the development of the sugar palm trees. However, the pitied, why this has not been widely direspon to be implemented in Indonesia? This is a big question mark. 

If you see the other plants that produce palm sugar sweetener as an alternative to the sugar industry, such as research institutions should P3GI in Pasuruan East Java should be covered in plants to sugar palm. In fact, all this does not happen. Because the problem is that many sugar cane research focused only to plant sugar cane. Many issues were the budget for research. For example, if only because of the budget and then only examine the sugar cane, palm sugar until later it would become a serious concern. 

Research will be the case or not commodities should be based on the budget or not, or the potential problem or not. Should we choose a destination that is the research into alternative, so that many problems in the commodity sugar cane that can be done. If a commodity can not be expected to raise the welfare of farmers means, we should be looking for new alternatives. Sugar palm is an alternative sweetener that is very promising. (Please read my writing in "Sugar Factory based sugar palm, why not?" In http://kebunaren.blogspot.com/) 

4. The existence of a myth that sugar palm tree place ghost 

This myth was affecting the pattern of sugar palm trees. Because of the mistaken assumption that we are rarely met sugar palm trees around the yard. Palm sugar found in many gardens far from home, in the peripheries of rivers, the slope-hill slopes or relatively far from the settlement, even in the forest. But there is suspicion that category, including sugar palm forest plants. 

Because of the sugar palm trees far from home, so people rarely consider the potential and advantage. But to plant sugar palm on land near the settlement received opposition from the family or neighbors. 

There is also suspicion that the person who will manage the sugar palm tree, whether taken fiber, fruit, leaf stalk, or will be taken sweety flower water or 'nira', must be overcome ghosts in the sugar palm tree. But there are specific ways to "persuade" sugar palm tree that would remove niranya. In addition, the candidates tapper in this memukuli slowly and repeatedly, flicker-liukkan bunches of flowers, with menepuki hands with a certain feeling, and usually followed with song, or whistling or even certain mantras. It can be said that to manage the sugar palm tree is not all people can be, only the "special" who can take roomie is sugar palm tree. 

Resulting from the assumption above rarely or never even met our sugar palm tapper roomie is young people, especially young people or children. What we find is usually the "workers" sugar palm trees are people who have parents with the sober appearance of the impression that the farmers are rather hard life or even the poor farmers. 

5. Identical with palm sugar palm wine, stamp and drunken rats 

The assumption is that there is some truth, because in some areas, such as in North Sulawesi to the people there now manage roomie palm sugar to be called a drink palm wine, stamp or mouse. In regions such as North Sulawesi this has become a tradition, partly because the region is expecting the cold. Palm wine or stamp rats that drink is a warm body and can provide the spark of the people working in the area with air that is cold or begadang in the night air with the very cold air. Finally, drinking palm wine tradition down the decline. In fact, this also occurred in North Sumatra, namely in the area with the surname of the Batak. 

If the two areas had observed this community dominant religious Christians or Christian. It appeared in the above two areas, such as drink palm wine was not too into the "taboo". Different regions of mayoritasnya Muslims, especially the Muslim "fanatics" or militant keep this hope can not grow. 

So .. dikhawairkan can make as many people drink palm wine made from sugar palm roomie, so this seems to be scoring poorly on the Government to make decisions in the development of sugar palm large-scale. 

Although many regions, which also is a bag out Muslim palm sugar can also be developed, in areas such as South Sulawesi, from Pinrang, Sidrap, Bulukumba, Wajo, Sopeng to Tana Toraja. However, in areas where the predominantly Muslim nation, management roomie directed a sugar palm sugar. This also occurred in West Java, Banten, Central Java, and others. 

Maybe there are still other factors that cause the development of palm sugar has not occurred as Oil Palm, which has not been written on the top. What do the readers of Time? Please comment? 

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